Home > Lisa Landis, Staff Pages > Bruce Fite visits KCB this Saturday with a new song & chances to win

Bruce Fite visits KCB this Saturday with a new song & chances to win

November 30th, 2016

LISA LANDIS~ Hi Kids Cookie Breakers!  I can’t wait for this weekend’s KCB Radio Show.  Bruce Fite is our very special guest.  Bruce has a new Christmas song out and it’s based on a children’s book called, “Milton the Christmas Moose.” The authors approached Bruce Fite and asked if he would write a song about the book. The authors are Steve and Jean Goodwin (Steve is a professor at the University of Delaware).  The book is available on amazon and www.mascotbooks.com.  The song is also available at Cd baby, iTunes, & Google Play Music.  Listen Saturday between 10-11am for chances to win the book plus, live music & conversation with Bruce Fite.

This weekend I have another chance for you to win a family 4-pack of tickets to the New Years Eve at Noon celebration at The National Watch & Clock Museum!  A chance to win every Saturday between now and December 17th.  Visit nawcc.org for more information on this fun family event.  If it’s too hard for you to stay up until midnight New Years Eve you can celebrate from 10-1pm at the National Watch & Clock Museum.

I will pull more ornaments from the KCB Studio Christmas Tree Saturday and send the ornament creators a prize.  It might be you!  Check out the Christmas Ornament Contest blog here on the home page of Kidscookiebreak.com for more information.

Again this weekend you get to request your favorite KCB song from 11-noon.

Be by your radio at 9am this Saturday for a morning of laughter, dancing, winning & fun!

Love & Cookies,

Lisa Landis



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