
Delirious Says Farewell as Supertones ReUnite!

May 17th, 2010

KRISTI LEIGH – You may have heard it said: “when God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.”  And I found one!  Let me explain…  

Delirious has said “Farewell.”  They’ve had their final Live Show in London and tomorrow they release the 2 CD set from that concert.  I must admit–I’m sad to say goodbye!  It was sad when Audio Adrenaline said “Adios,” and I don’t like saying “Farewell” to Delirious very much either!  I was a fan all throughout their musical careers and they left off on such a high note that I wasn’t ready to stop hearing new music!  I know they’re all on to other good things and that their final chapters ended well.  But I loved their music and will miss them!  

So, when I saw that tomorrow’s CD releases also included “ReUnite” from the O.C. Supertones, I knew that was my window of comfort!  Now don’t get too excited!  This window isn’t open permanently.  They’re releasing their best-of project tomorrow and doing their final tour this summer.  And then I guess we’ll have to say our final sayonara.  But who knows!  Maybe another window will open!  Let’s keep each other posted!

Comment and let me know your all-time favorite Delirious or O.C. Supertones song!

http://www.becrecordings.com/dispatch/_depot/title/122x122/95b50aeb8745c22e12d7b29b9cdf6ac2.jpg http://www.myspace.com/ocsupertones

Kristi Leigh – A WJTL DJ who loves open windows…


  1. Fred
    May 18th, 2010 at 15:42 | #1

    Hi,Kristi. Don’t know if I have one favorite Delirious song,but I sure do like “My Soul Sings” ALOT!!
    They will be missed!

  2. Brienne
    May 18th, 2010 at 15:54 | #2

    Hey! I am a huge Delirious? fan lol. I couldn’t possibly narrow it down to one song but a few of my favorites include Investigate, Obsession, History Maker, Bliss..etc. The list goes on and on lol.

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