
Five Fun Free Family Things To Do This Weekend

September 4th, 2015

Five Fun Free Family Things To Do This Weekend (Sept 4-6, 2015)

5) Lego Bulding Party at Hammel Associates Architects, Grant Street in Lancaster, tonight (Friday, September 4) 5-8:30p. Over 40,000 bricks, plates and specialty peices to build freestyle, trains, architecture and more. For all ages. More info: hammelarch.com

4) First Friday Lancaster tonight (Friday, September 4) 5-9pm in downtown Lancaster. Music, Galleries, museums, artist studios, artisans, exhibits, and special openings. More Info: visitlancastercity.com

3) Outbreak Festival – tomorrow (Saturday, Sept 5) 10am-6pm at East Petersburg Park, Pine Street. Music by Matt Wheeler and others, food, kids games, Jugglers, Martial Arts Demonstrations, and more.More Info at the Outbreak Festival Facebook Page.

2) 28th Annual Heart of Lancaster Arts & Craft Show tomorrow & Sunday (Sept. 5 & 6) from 10am-4pm both days at Roots Country Market in Manheim. 200 Juried Artists and Craft Persons from Pennsylvania and nearby states displaying their work. Variety of foods & live entertainment too.  More Info: HeartofLancasterArtsandCraftShow.com

1) The annual Whoopie Pie Festival tomorrow (Saturday, Sept 5) 11am-4pm at Hershey Farm Restaurant & Inn in Strasburg featuring more than 100 different Whoopie Pie flavors, Whoopie pie making for kids, pony rides,face painting, train races, prizes and more! More Info: Whoopiepiefestival.com

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