
Meet Intern Kristin!

June 18th, 2014

INTERN KRISTIN –  Hello WJTL listeners! My name is Kristin Heydt, but you will probably come to know me better as Intern Kristin. I am ecstatic to have the chance to intern here at WJTL, following the lead of many before me, including my older brother. After seeing him get to do all sorts of cool things with the station, I hoped for years that I might be able to have the same opportunity. To my delight, I was fortunate enough to have received one of the internship positions for this summer! Following my time here, I will be entering my junior year at West Chester University where I am studying communication. I am focusing on both the public relations and broadcasting aspects of communication studies, so being at WJTL is a great fit for me. My goal is to get a full time job working in sports media.

I have been a resident of Mount Joy for my entire life and am the youngest of three siblings, with two older brothers. My oldest brother Scott, who interned here at the station in 2008, also graduated with a degree in communication from Millersville, and lives in Lancaster with his wife and son (my nephew Carter, who rocks!) My other brother Ben also graduated from Millersville and just received his master’s degree in new media journalism. My mother is a teacher in the Donegal School District, and my father is the teaching pastor at Grace United Methodist Church in Millersville. My parents have always had a huge impact on my faith.

In my spare time when I’m not interning here at WJTL, I enjoy relaxing with my friends and family, listening to music, taking afternoon naps and singing in the shower. I am also a HUGE hockey fan, and could talk about it for hours. Go Flyers!

So far, I absolutely love being a WJTL intern. I have done a variety of jobs including recording promos for the bumper sticker contest, assisting with live remotes, and doing the weather for the morning show. I love the opportunity to be able to have real learning experiences here at the station, and I always feel like there are impacts being made. The staff here is so great, and I am very lucky to be able to work with them for the entire summer! I hope to see you at a WJTL event soon!

  1. June 20th, 2014 at 11:14 | #1

    Hi Kristin —

    It was great meeting you yesterday! You have a great radio voice I hope you have lots more fun at WJTL! Thaks for taking my picture 🙂

  2. Kristin Donaldson
    November 12th, 2018 at 11:25 | #2

    Hi, Kristin Donaldson here, a little late on this by like four years here, but I was wondering how to become an intern WJTL. I would love to intern in a Christian setting, as it is lacking on my college campus at Millersville University. I am looking forward to hearing more about possibly getting involved!

  3. November 13th, 2018 at 07:17 | #3

    Hey Kristin, email stacey@wjtl.com to get the process started.

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