
Praise & Worship Show Playlist (6/24)

June 24th, 2012

 Praise & Worship Show Playlist

June 24, 2012

*Mini Theme at 8:00 “Songs to Sing in the Storms of Life”


6:00 a.m. — Legal I.D.

“All Glory” by Tim Hughes from “Love Shine Through”

“Sing, Sing, Sing” by Chris Tomlin from “Passion: God Of This City”

“Forever & A Day” by Anthony Skinner from “Forever & A Day”

“Famous One” by Building 429 from “WOW Worship”

“God He Reigns/All I Need Is You” by Hillsong from “God He Reigns”


6:30 a.m.

“I Am Free” by Jared Anderson from “51 Must Have Modern Worship Hits”

“How He Loves” by John Mark McMillan from “The Medicine”

“Holy” by Matt Gilman from “Holy”

“A Greater Song” by Paul Baloche from “A Greater Song”

“Once Again” by Stuart Townend, Dave Fellingham from “Revival Generation”

“Shine On Us” by Phillips, Craig & Dean from “My Utmost For His Highest”


7:00 a.m. — Legal I.D.

“Come On My Soul” by Rend Collective from “Organic Family Hymnal”

“I Can Only Imagine” by Rita Springer from “Effortless”

“This Is Why I Am Alive” by Rick Pino from “The Narrow Road”

“Furious” by Jeremy Riddle, Bethel Live from “Be Lifted High”

“Set Free” by Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman from “Passion: Here For You”

“Take Heart” by Hillsong from “Aftermath”


7:30 a.m.

“Joyful, Joyful” by Laura Hackett from “Joy (LIVE)”

“So Good To Me” by Cory Asbury from “Holy”

“Be Thou Exalted” by Jon Egan, New Life Worship from “You Hold It All”

“Mercy” by Casting Crowns from “Songs 4 Worship Ultimate”

“A Mighty Fortress” by Christy Nockels from “Passion: Awakening (Deluxe Edition)”

“I Surrender All” by Jadon Lavik from “Roots Run Deep”


8:00 a.m. — Legal I.D. *MINI THEME: Songs For The Storms in Life

“Praise You In This Storm” by Casting Crowns from “Lifesong”

“You Never Let Go” by Matt Redman from “Passion: Everything Glorious”

“Rescue” by Jared Anderson from “51 Must Have Modern Worship Hits”

“Blessed Be Your Name” by Newsong from “Rescue”

“When The Tears Fall” by Tim Hughes from “When Silence Falls”

“Blessing In The Storm” by Kirk Franklin from “Songs For The Storm, Volume 1”


8:30 a.m.

“When I Am Afraid” by Laura Hackett from “Laura Hackett”

“Healing Rain” by Michael W. Smith from “Healing Rain”

“Never Let Me Go” by Hillsong United from “All Of The Above”

“Never Let Go” by David Crowder Band from “Remedy”

“Whole World In His Hands” by Matt Redman from “Passion: How Great Is Our God”

“My Hope” by Glenn Packiam from “Rumors And Revelations”


9:00 a.m. — Legal I.D.

“Be Still And Know” by Christy Nockels from “Deeper”

“Came To The Rescue” by Hillsong United from “United We Stand”

“You Alone Can Rescue” by Matt Redman from “Passion: Awakening”

“Beauty Of Your Peace” by Tim Hughes from “When Silence Falls”

“Tis So Sweet” by Jadon Lavik from “Roots Run Deep”

“He’s Always Been Faithful” by Sara Groves from “Conversations”

“Grace” by Michael W. Smith from “A New Hallelujah”


9:30 a.m.

“You Have Been So Good” by Paul Baloche, Sara Groves from “A Greater Song”

“Cloud By Day” by The Embers from “The Embers”

“Desert Song” by Hillsong United from “Across The Earth – Tear Down The Walls”

“Your Love Never Fails” by Jesus Culture from “Your Love Never Fails”

“I Have Found” by Kim Walker from “Here Is My Song”

“Praise The Lord” by Kristene Mueller from “Those Who Dream”

  1. Karen
    June 25th, 2012 at 10:28 | #1

    I heard some of the praise & worship show yesterday. You did a great job at picking the songs to sing in the storms of life. The songs I heard gave such hope. Thanks.

  2. kristi
    June 25th, 2012 at 11:42 | #2

    Thanks, Karen! 🙂 I’m glad you could tune in!

  3. Katie
    June 25th, 2012 at 20:02 | #3

    The Sunday Praise & Worship time is one of my favorite WJTL shows. I especially enjoyed the music selection this past Sunday. The theme was perfect timing for me, as I have been going through some storms. The songs were a timely encouragement! During the show, I heard Kristi mention that her friend suggested the theme. Kristi, please tell her I say thank you for her theme suggestion! It was great!

  4. kristi
    June 25th, 2012 at 21:29 | #4

    Thanks for your comment, Katie! I’ll tell my friend (Dawn) that it connected with you. 🙂 I’ve gotten some great feedback on that playlist!

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