
Real News of Inspiration

March 4th, 2012


Here’s this week’s Real News of Inspiration from The Christian Post’s Katherine T Phan.

Have you heard any good news lately about CEOs of multi-billion dollar companies?  Steve Green is the CEO of Hobby Lobby which is the largest privately owned arts and crafts retailer in the world.  When he is not busy running Hobby Lobby, Green spends much of his free time and finances to promote the study and reading of the bible.  Green owns over 40,000 bibles and biblical artifacts.  He is motivated by his love of the word and wants people to come to read and know the God of the bible.  His ultimate goal is to create a non sectarian bible museum in Washington DC.

  1. Amanda Bush
    March 6th, 2012 at 20:37 | #1

    How inspiring! I went to the Hobby Lobby in Hanover a few months ago and was so pleased to be hearing Christian radio over the loud speaker. I wish more business would play Christian music.

  2. Stacy McCutcheon
    February 12th, 2013 at 19:54 | #2

    So sad that great Christian business like his that take a stand on God’s word are at stake because of government decisions. Whatever happened to a country based on God?

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