
Share The Blessing

December 20th, 2017


Do you know a family in need this holiday season? A colleague facing loss?  A friend battling an illness? A neighbor in crisis?
Reach out, and share their story.
Help Susquehanna Valley families enjoy the holiday season with hope and dignity.   Together, we can Share the Blessing…  You can visit the website and nominate a family in need or make a contribution to help families and individuals who are selected.  Share the Blessing’s board of directors will review all nominations and contact the family in need to help meet their individual needs. Share the Blessing is proud to convey that the attention and generosity from the Susquehanna Valley Community has helped raise more than $500,000 since inception in 2004 – donated 100%, in full, to nominated families.  Thank You!!

*Representatives will be on the Get Up & Go Show tomorrow from 7am-8am to talk about Share The Blessing.

Phone: (717)381-5440

Share The Blessing is an approved 501C-3 charitable organization.


Ann D’Alessandro-


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