
Thanksgiving Celebrations!

November 21st, 2017


Happy Thanksgiving!

There are many opportunities if you are looking for somewhere to spend this Thanksgiving.  Here are some opportunities for food and fellowship on Thanksgiving Day that can be found on our Events Calendar at WJTL.com:

(FYI – Some require you to call for reservations.)

  • Free Thanksgiving meal with all the traditional fixings Thanksgiving day from 11AM-1PM at Carson Long Centennial Hall. RSVP requested to 717-889-0338
  • The New Freedom Trail Church of the Nazarene in New Freedom is hosting a free community Thanksgiving dinner from Noon-3PM. A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be provided.  No reservations are needed.  717-235-2514.
  • Free Community Thanksgiving Meal from 3:00PM-5:30PM at Elizabethtown First Church of God.   717-367-7060 http://etownfirstcog.org/

Here is the article from Lancaster Online with more opportunities for free Thanksgiving dinners – http://lancasteronline.com/news/thanksgiving-dinners-are-planned-throughout-lancaster-county/article_e9bf104a-033e-5ba6-a84a-08ec3f0f4c3f.html

*Here is a great website full of information for holiday assistance: http://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/lancaster_holiday_assistance.html

*PA211 is a statewide collaborative for health and human service information for Pennsylvanians. (Here is the site for Thanksgiving) https://pa211.communityos.org/zf/profile/search?keyword=&agency_name=&target_population=&distance_zip=17603&location=&restrict_zip=&area_served=Lancaster&taxonomy_category=&taxonomy_name=Thanksgiving+Meals&dosearch=1&Search=Search

Ann D’Alessandro – So much to be thankful for!


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