
THE CHOIR – FREE WJTL Listener Appreciation Concert!!!

November 8th, 2010


THE CHOIR – FREE WJTL Listener Appreciation Concert!!!

Be sure to mark your calendars for Wednesday, Nov. 10th at 7:30PM for an amazing FREE concert at The Mill Coffeehouse in Lititz!!!  WJTL is having a FREE Listener Appreciation Concert and we would love to see you there!  It will be a great night of fellowship, fun, prizes and of course great music!  We will start off the night with music from Marty Shaughnessy & Aaron Gagne (formerly of The Rainchildren) then Derri Dougherty & Steve Hindalong of The Choir will play some of their music old and new.  The Choir started out in 1985, known as “Youth Choir” with “Voices In Shadows” and they have a brand new CD that came out in June of this year, “Burning Like The Midnight Sun” which has been getting some rave reviews!  We are asking that each person bring a canned fruit item to donate to Water Street Ministries.  It is sure to be a great night!
If you have any questions, you can visit our website https://wjtl.com/ or call 717-392-3690 or you can visit The Choir’s website http://thechoir.net/.
(Seating is on a first come, first serve basis and is limited.)
The Mill Coffeehouse. 813 Rothsville Road. Lititz PA 17543

Burning Like The Midnight Sun

Ann D’Alessandro – Fan Of The Choir

  1. Michael
    November 1st, 2010 at 20:58 | #1

    Anybody know what time the doors open?

  2. Ann D’Alessandro
    November 2nd, 2010 at 09:14 | #2

    Approx. 6:30PM

  3. Michael
    November 8th, 2010 at 09:29 | #3

    Sweet. Thanks!. @Ann D’Alessandro

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