
Tune In To Win: Family 4 Packs of Tickets to Faith & Family Night!

July 13th, 2011


WJTL is going to be live with the Kids Cookie Break this Saturday evening for our next Faith & Family Night with the Lancaster Barnstormers at Clipper Magazine Stadium!  We hope to see you there!  We’ll have lots of fun for everyone in your family including a concert with Steven Courtney & The Suitcase Musicians before the baseball game, interviews with Lancaster Barnstormer players, contests, prizes and a fireworks display after the game!  Tune in Friday (July 15th) for cues to call in and win Family 4 Packs of tickets to the game. We’ll give ’em away all day long, so keep our number handy: 717-392-FM90 (3690).  For details on the event, click here.

  1. Lisa Drury
    July 18th, 2011 at 17:48 | #1

    Thank you! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the Faith and Family Night Barnstormer’s game Saturday night. Best firework’s we have seen in a long, long time. Thanks to everyone for putting everything together for a really fun event! We appreciate all you do! The Drury Family

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