

May 21st, 2012
Congratulations to the Talent Challenge Grand Prize winner – 10 year-old drummer Elijah Gocotano!!!!
All the participants were fantastic, as were performances by Bruce Fite, Kimberliana, Chuck Gibson Band and Beggar Folk.  Thanks too to Kristi and John Staffieri for their fine emceeing!  Thanks to all the volunteers and staff that made the day go so smoothly, especially soundman extraordinaire Henry Walters!!!
Lastly, thanks to all our amazing listeners for coming out and supporting the performers and our community!!!
Here was the lineup of WJTL Talent Challenge finalists!!!
  • Singer Jeff Smith
  • 10 year-old drummer Elijah Gocotano
  • Singer/songwriter Becky Rupp
  • Bluegrass musicians Emily Stoltzfus & Grace Kensinger
  • Singer Rachel Krothe
  • Musicians Hana Elise Grosh and Jordan Wiker
  • Singer Lauren Strausbaugh
  • Worship Band Belfry
  • Singer Sarah Aubel
  • Rock Band “Till the End” featuring Andrew, Avery, & Adam

IT’S OFFICIAL!  We have narrowed it down to these 10 contestants who will perform their talent on the Weaver’s Garage Stage at the 59th annual Sertoma Chicken BBQ at Long’s Park on Saturday, May 19th (2PM).  The audience gets to vote on their favorite performer–and that person or group will win a fabulous prize package!  So come out and be part of the audience, enjoy some talented WJTL listeners and make your vote count!


*A Samson Expedition 308 portable sound system courtesy of Lifesong Christian Books & Music in Quarryville

*4 balloon ride tickets from the US Hot Air Balloon Team

*A Portrait Session with Jeremy Hess Photographers

*A $125 gift card to Pure Essence Organic Salon in Leola


*4 Tickets and food vouchers to a Lancaster Barnstormers baseball game!

  1. Joseph Campbell
    April 14th, 2012 at 12:59 | #1

    I love going to talent shows; some of the acts are really amazing.

  2. April 23rd, 2012 at 16:05 | #2

    Hopefully “One Step Closer” is chosen to play at the bbq!

  3. Erin
    April 23rd, 2012 at 20:40 | #3

    If you are under 18, do you have to verify with the station that you have your parents permission?

  4. kristi
    April 24th, 2012 at 15:06 | #4

    @Erin Hi Erin–YES! If you’re under 18, your parents need to give their permission. Just mention that you’ve checked with them in your entry and that they approve. If we’re considering you for being a finalist, we would call and check with them before officially announcing that you’ll perform!

  5. Christy
    April 26th, 2012 at 11:23 | #5

    @Kristi – LOL Look we have (kind of)the same names!! If we ever talk on the radio it would be the Kristi&Christy Show! LOL.

  6. cheryl
    May 7th, 2012 at 15:40 | #6

    Hi I was looking for the contest rules and when I clicked on the link it takes me to the contest rules for creation. I need to know for the talent entry what are the time constraints of the video. Thanks

  7. kristi
    May 7th, 2012 at 15:44 | #7

    Hi Cheryl! Here is a link to our General Contest Rules. https://wjtl.com/pages/wjtls-general-contest-rules/

    As far as time constrains for the video, we don’t have anything set in stone. Try to show one song if it’s a musical entry. Otherwise, I would keep it under 10 minutes. Remember that we have a lot of entries to go through, so use your best material and don’t drag it out too long! 🙂 Does that help?

  8. Jeremiah
    May 7th, 2012 at 17:09 | #8

    I wish me and my friends could enter but we can’t do a video or record anything to enter cause I’ll still be in the hospital may 9th

  9. kristi
    May 7th, 2012 at 17:13 | #9

    Too bad, Jeremiah! If you want prayer, please feel free to post a request at the Prayer Wall! 🙂 https://wjtl.com/wjtl-prayer-wall/

  10. Ruthy
    May 10th, 2012 at 10:58 | #10

    Will you also post the 10 contestants names? Excited to find out if my son’s band made it! 😉

  11. Diane
    May 12th, 2012 at 14:16 | #11

    Just curious………..about how many entries were there?

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