The Stuff
STACEY GAGNE – Ok, who doesn’t get that song by Francesca Batistelli stuck in their head? I may or may not have been belting it out jokingly through the office this afternoon while adding my own silly lyrics about the frustrations of my day. :). It sure has a hook… and is encouraging listeners, too.
The other day we had a listener call in and say thanks so much for playing that song. She had been driving back and forth across the county all day running errands. She found it was fun and uplifting musically and encouraging. The lyrics remind us that the stuff that “drives us crazy” are the very things that God uses in our lives… from little to big.
James 1: 2-4 reminds us to “Consider it pure joy … whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” So, maybe… just maybe… the next time we get cut off in traffic, receive a frustrating phone call or unexpected bill, or can’t find our sunglasses (most of the time mine are sitting on top of my head when I can’t find them) we will think of this song and smile???
Stacey M. Gagne
Being Matured by Joyfully Persevering Through the Little Things
Hi Stacey! Thanks for sharing. I think we all need regular reminders to “do everything without complaining or arguing”…it’s so hard sometimes, but so important!
You make me smile,
When I hear this song, it always reminds me of how God uses the little things in my life to teach me lessons. I have learned to appreciate the fact that sometimes when I can’t find my keys is because maybe God wants to protect me from an accident or that I have forgotten something and he wants me to remember it before leaving the house or office. I really enjoy this song!