Home > John Shirk > Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Outreach

Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Outreach

June 10th, 2011

JOHN SHIRK – While this is stating the obvious, for the record, outreach is the act or process of reaching out.

Outreach began at the cross, when the arms of Jesus were extended on the cross for our sins. In that moment, He was reaching out to us with the Father’s love.

Outreach extends beyond our own interests to consider the needs of other people. It could lead us to reaching out with a meal to someone who is going through a crisis.  It could lead to reaching out with a helping hand to an elderly neighbor who doesn’t have the mobility they once had.  Or it could lead to reaching out our hands to comfort someone who is grieving.

Outreach also is a term that describes the effort by believers to share the Gospel with people who have not yet heard about Jesus or received Him as Lord and Savior.

Philippians 2:4 says, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

Outreach is a character quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.

John Shirk



  1. Amdrea Michener
    June 16th, 2011 at 06:48 | #1

    Im thinking about Philippians 2:4 I was homeless with my 2 children for 7yrs and the r too many christians who do look out for their own intrest, they think they were doing good by me by giving us a meal then shving me on my merry way I think instead they should have given up their own intrest give up their lives to help me with a help that would make a difference for me n 2 babies. I think the right move would b to give us a place to stay, deciple us, help our lives become steady, show us by example how a christian lives so I could become Who I dreamed of being and thats a strong woman, a good mother without depression and anxiety. I read if u dont ask u wont recieve and not asking is a form of pride so I start asking churches if theres any help, any place we could stay because the shelters r only 30 days. but was always turned down by churches. Where is Gods real love in the churches?

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