

October 30th, 2012

JOHN SHIRK – From Second Corinthians 3:16.

“Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”

A veil is a piece of material that covers the face. In this context, it represents a barrier that keeps a person from seeing the Gospel. Verse 14 tells us that only in Christ is the veil taken away. Only in Christ do we have the permission to approach God’s throne of grace.

The lifting of the veil means that we have fresh new eyes for understanding the Bible. The Apostle Paul explained that whenever Moses was read, a veil covered the hearts of those who had not turned to Jesus for salvation. For the person who DID turn to the Lord, that was a different story. In the Old or New Testaments, we see the influence of Jesus. We learn how He fulfills the law and the prophets.  We also come to understand how He fulfills our lives with God’s spiritual blessings. Some of these benefits are found in this chapter, Second Corinthians Three, such as righteousness, freedom, and transformation into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

Turning to Jesus as Lord and Savior is a vital sign of a changed life in the Year of Transformation.

John Shirk


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