
Real News of Inspiration

July 12th, 2011


Here’s this week’s Real News of Inspiration

From Lancaster Online’s David O’Conner

Have you ever wondered about who follows up with people who get saved at Christian concerts?  Drummers Tim Anderson, Ryan Torrenti and Matt Greiner wondered the same thing.  They saw there was a gap that needed filled after the show was over and the band moved on to the next gig.  Hoping to fill that hole, they created Brick-By-Brick, a web based ministry designed to provide mentorship and accountability for the bands and their fans.  The ministry hopes to enlist thousands of churches that are willing to provide a home for their fans after the show and create communities that genuinely care.  To learn more about brick by brick, visit http://www.brickbybricknetwork.com or see them at Purple Door next month.



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