Fred McNaughton > Staff Pic of the Day Dec 18
Staff Pic of the Day Dec 18
FRED MCNAUGHTON – Merry Christmas from the WJTL Staff. We are spreading the Christmas cheer all December long while sharing pics and insights from our cast of characters.
Kids Cookie Break pencils make nice Christmas gifts. Phil’s weird silver tinsel toupee does not. =]

Lisa – Ok guys from the top one more time, this time Phil keep the rhythm in tempo, Eddie, Remember Harmonious Melody… A one and a two and a *Points to Eddie*: Bung, bung, bung, bung, bung, Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream, (Bung, bung, bung, bung), Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen!
Eddie – Lisa, what do you hope Mr. Sandman brings you?
Lisa – Eddie, focus, I want him to bring me a Dream…
Phil – I had a Dream…
Lisa – Phil! Focus!
Lisa, How did Brian know what you guys were saying? Word for Word! Word for Word! You must have left the tape player on record.
It was the Puzzlement in Eddie’s Eyes that gave it away! He’s still struggling with the whole concept of believing in Mr. Sandman, and who wouldn’t! The Dude is quick, one minute alert/awake the next you’re waking up rubbing the sleep from your eyes!
I like Phil’s strategy, keeping coffee beans close at hand, to flick one in that dude’s eye!
And we all know Lisa (aka Gwenda Gumshoeee-ssshhh!! sssshhh!!! let’s not let that KCB hero out of the bag just yet!!!!) runs on Coffee, she never sleeps, she just unwinds, Until the Next Get UP and GO Morning Show!!!
It was Gwenda that left her left boot staleto heel recorder turned on… Or was it her Librarian reading glasses video recording device?
Congratulations Kids’ Cookie Break Lisa Landis!!! The Kids’ Cookie Break SmartCar Mobile will be a great addition to the entire KCB Experience!
I can see it now, zipping down the Highways & Byways of Lancaster County, windows down with the wind in your hair and your big beautiful smile spreading joy where ever you go!
Happy Motoring in the KCB SC Mobile!
I’d wait for warmer weather to put the windows down, just saying…