
Steve Taylor Kicks Off 2016 Concerts!

February 4th, 2016


If you were at The Junction Center in 2014 for the Steve Taylor & The Perfect Foil concert, then you probably have somewhat of an idea of what to expect as Steve Taylor & The Danielson Foil kicks off our concerts for 2016!!  The big difference this time is the addition of Daniel Smith of Danielson Famile (who you might have seen at Purple Door Festival).  They finished a successful Kickstarter campaign and are now touring to bring you brand new music from their “Wow To The Deadness” EP! It’s actually a one-time collaboration between Steve Taylor & the Perfect Foil and Danielson. Their new EP, titled Wow to the Deadness, will be released tomorrow, February 5th. Steve Taylor has put together an amazingly talented band, The Perfect Foil: Jimmy Abegg, guitar; John Mark Painter, bass & Peter Furler, drums.

What better way to celebrate Fastnacht Day than by hanging out with Steve Taylor? (Bring your own fastnachts.)   Be sure to listen to Terry Phillips and The Archives Saturday night as he interviews Steve Taylor!  (approx. 9:15pm)

Steve Taylor & The Danielson Foil on Tuesday, Feb. 9th at Manheim Brethren In Christ Church at 7:30pm.  (Tickets will be available at the door.)  You can find tickets and more information about this show and others that we have coming up at: https://www.thejunctioncenter.com/

Ann D’Alessandro – Excited for Fastnachts & Steve Taylor!!



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