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The History of WJTL

April 27th, 2010

EDDIE DANIELS – When did WJTL first appear on the scene? Was Fred always on the morning show? When did the station start broadcasting 24 hours a day? What is WJTL involved in?

All of these questions (and more!) are answered in this informative video.

Eddie Daniels, Production Guy

  1. Stephen
    April 27th, 2010 at 10:03 | #1

    Very nice. But I think we need some Law & Order (dong dong) investigative work to look into
    why Lisa Landis has a pretzel stash when in fact, she is an integral part of the Kid’s Cookie Break,
    Once this breaks in Keeblerville, the elves will not be happy.

  2. April 27th, 2010 at 10:06 | #2

    You have a great point, Stephen! I’m putting you in charge of the case. We should work fast, though, before Gwenda Gumshoe is onto us. 🙂

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