
Winning Wednesday March 28 win Mike Farris & Band tickets

March 28th, 2018

LISA LANDIS~ Grammy award winning rocker Mike Farris and his band The Roseland Rhythm Revue are appearing in concert here at The Junction Center in Manheim, PA Sunday night April 15th. In 2015 Mike won a Grammy for Best Roots Gospel album for SHINE FOR ALL THE PEOPLE.  Mike’s personal journey from drug addiction (starting at the age of 15) to recovery speaks to the hurting and broken. Listen to WJTL all day long to win a pair of tickets to the show.  Keep this number handy  717-392-3690.  That’s 717-392-FM90.  Listen for the on air deejay to give you the ok to call in to win.  Chances today to win on The Get Up & Go Show, Shirk at Work Network, Afternoon Drive with Radio Friend Phil & tonight with Nik at Night.  

For more information on the show visit thejunctioncenter.com.

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