
Posts Tagged ‘God’s Promises’

Light Reflection-Genesis 9:13-15 Rainbow

September 13th, 2023 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Genesis 9:13 to 15.

After the worldwide flood in Noah’s day, God said, “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.”

The rainbow is a brilliant display of colors built on a promise from God. Never again will the earth see a flood like Noah’s day.

Rainbows typically appear after a storm, often appearing as an arch. But the beauty of heaven includes a full rainbow at the throne of God.  Revelation 4:3 talks about a rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircling the throne.

The storms of life still come, but they will not always last. There is a rainbow at the end of faith’s journey where our healing will be complete in the presence of God.

This Light Reflection inspires us to hold on to the promises of God in the Year to Shine.

John Shirk

Light Reflection-2 Peter 1:19-21

January 31st, 2023 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Second Peter 1:19 to 21.

“We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.”

Bible prophecy is a light to bring us hope in a world darkened by sin. The prophets were moved by God to utter revelations of things yet to come, and to speak truth to the people of their time. The message of prophecy can be compared to a list of God’s promises. Just as Jesus fulfilled many prophecies about Him at His first appearance, so He will fulfill more prophecies when He returns. God is faithful to His Word.

This Light Reflection inspires us to trust in God’s promises in the Year to Shine.

John Shirk

Freedom Phrase-Saying “Amen” to God’s Promises

September 30th, 2019 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Redemption, today’s Freedom Phrase is based on Second Corinthians 1:20.

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes’ in Christ. And so through him the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

There are some precious promises found in God’s Word for followers of Jesus such as forgiveness of sins, adoption into God’s family, the gift of the Holy Spirt, and eternal life.

Jesus was the fulfillment of a promise made by God in the Old Testament. His appearance in the world 2,000 years ago is evidence that we can trust God to be true to His Word.

Through Jesus, we are set free from the guilt of our past to live with purpose for today and hope for the future.

John Shirk

Reason To Believe-Predictions About The Cross

March 8th, 2016 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Exploration, today’s Reason To Believe is the predictions about the cross.

In the Old Testament, there were prophecies made about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross before crucifixion was even invented as a form of execution.

In Psalm 22:16, David prophesied, “They have pierced my hands and my feet.”

Isaiah 53:5 prophesied about Jesus, “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities.”

Jesus also predicted His own suffering when He said to His disciples in Luke chapter 9, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.”

These predictions reveal a God who knew in advance what would happen. He purposefully worked through the sacrifice of Jesus to fulfill His redemptive plan of saving souls. The prophecies related to the cross highlight God’s faithfulness to fulfill His promises.

The predictions in the Bible made about the cross are reasons to believe in God’s good news.

John Shirk

Moment Of Celebration-God’s Faithfulness

November 11th, 2014 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Moment of Celebration reflects on the expression of God’s faithfulness.

Jesus is the expression of God’s faithfulness. He came as a gift in fulfillment of God’s promises.

Second Corinthians 1:20 says that “no matter how many promises God made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

When God says in Jeremiah 29:11, “I have plans to give you hope and a future”, those plans are fulfilled through faith in Jesus Christ.

When God says in Isaiah 1:18, “though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow”, those sins are forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ.

When God says in Isaiah 41:10, “I will strengthen you and help you”, that support is available through faith in Jesus Christ.

He is the Good Shepherd, Redeemer, Savior, and Best Friend among all those who follow Jesus as Lord.

The expression of God’s faithfulness in Jesus Christ is a reason to be glad in the Year of Celebration.

John Shirk

Today’s Moment Of Celebration-God’s Promises

January 6th, 2014 No comments

JOHN SHIRK – 2014 is the Year of Celebration at WJTL. Listen each day for moments of celebration from God’s Word. We will examine the attributes of God, His mighty deeds in the past, and the hopeful future that He is planning for His people.

Today’s Moment of Celebration reflects on the reliability of God’s promises.

When the Israelites were set free from slavery, God was not just delivering them from despair. He was taking them into the desert so that they might be free to worship Him. He was sending them on a journey that would lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey.

The Israelites were not always faithful to God on that journey, but He was always faithful to them.  They spent 40 years wandering in the desert, but through the leadership of Joshua, the Israelites eventually took the Promised Land.

Reflecting on God’s faithfulness, Joshua 21:43 says, “So, the LORD gave Israel all the land he had sworn to give their forefathers, and they took possession. Verse 45 says, “Not one of all the LORD’s good promises to the house of Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” God keeps His promises, which means, not only is He good, but He is also strong. He can do what it takes to fulfill the promise that He keeps.

The reliability of God’s promises is a reason to be glad in the Year of Celebration.

John Shirk