Home > John Shirk > The Power Of Praise

The Power Of Praise

October 28th, 2010

JOHN SHIRK – It was about midnight.  Paul and Silas were awake, praying and singing hymns to God.  Other prisoners were listening to them.  Suddenly, there was a violent earthquake.  The foundations of the prison were shaken, and the chains of the prisoners were let loose.

It is not likely today that our prayers or songs of worship will cause an earthquake.  However, don’t be surprised if spiritual strongholds lose their grip on us.  Bitterness, despair, worry, just to name a few.

For Paul and Silas, their freedom led to an opportunity to witness to a desperate jailer who feared for his life.  That jailer came to believe in the Lord Jesus, and he was saved.  You can read about this story in Acts 16.  Let it motivate you to praise God, and use open doors to tell others about Jesus.

That’s today’s Mission Statement for representing Jesus in the world today.  

John Shirk


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