Home > John Shirk > The Way of Love as a Witness to the World

The Way of Love as a Witness to the World

July 21st, 2010

JOHN SHIRK – Jesus gave this command to His disciples in John 13:34:  “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

There is a well-known song containing the chorus, “They will know we are Christians by our love.”  How do people perceive us?  Do they see the evidence of the love of Christ in us?  The way of love reflects either what Jesus taught about love or the ways He demonstrated love.

The way of love can be described by some simple phrases that we use, not just in words, but also in the attitude behind the words.

Please. (That’s courtesy and respect)

Thank you. (That’s gratitude)

I’m sorry.  (That’s humble confession)

I love you. (That’s expression of love for our loved ones)

I’m praying for you.  (That’s interceding for our loved ones)

When the disciples of Jesus love one another, the world will observe and take notice that we belong to Jesus.

That’s today’s Mission Statement for representing Jesus in the world today. 

John Shirk


  1. Vanessa S.
    July 21st, 2010 at 10:45 | #1

    Seemingly small every-day actions mean a lot, especially when done with genuine humility. I’m learning in this area all the time…

  2. Jennifer Dempsey
    July 21st, 2010 at 14:02 | #2

    LOL, I have to tell you that this lesson cannot! be taught to teens …i’m only kidding..don’t yell at me. But, it is funny that after all their childhhod being raised to say please and thank you, i’m sorry etc they magically woke up one day with amnesia to anything that resembles those words! Occasionally to a stranger I do get a rare glimpse of the child that was…but it is a rare sighting to say the least! On a serious note..it is all the more important for ME to remember to say those things to THEM!
    have a great day †

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