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Today’s Moment of Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Service

August 15th, 2011

JOHN SHIRK – A servant is someone who is devoted to following or supporting someone. Humility and service go hand in hand.

According to John Piper, “Humility gets down low and lifts others up. Humility looks to the needs of others and gives time and effort to help with those needs. Jesus took the form of a servant and humbled himself to the point of death.”

Jesus also clothed Himself with service when he used a basin and a towel to wash His disciples’ feet. Afterwards, Jesus taught them, saying, “Now, that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” As we serve others because of our love for Jesus, God is able to use us as cleansing agents of His grace.

Through Jesus’ example and words, Jesus was getting this point across, “The greatest among you will be your servant.”

A servant spirit is a character quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.

John Shirk



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