Home > John Shirk > Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Motivation

Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Motivation

August 4th, 2011

JOHN SHIRK – There are two definitions of  motivation worth noting:

The first definition is “reason for behaving in a particular way.”  This goes to the heart of why we do what we do, which God cares about.

The Bible tells us that our motives are weighed by the Lord.

The second definition is the desire or willingness to do something.

Jesus is the One who brings both definitions together in our lives. When He captures our heart, He becomes our desire in life and our reason for our activities.  He can give us a clear conscience and full assurance of His grace when our faith is in Him.  He gives us a reason for living beyond ourselves.  And while that road may be difficult and filled with grief, we will never be without hope.  Because we have the peace of God to comfort us, and the love of God to motivate us until our time on this earth is completed.

The Apostle Paul described his motivating influence in Philippians 1:21.  “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

Motivation is a character quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.

John Shirk



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