Back To Ethiopia: Stacey Reports Live with Compassion International
STACEY GAGNE – I am thrilled to invite you to tune in next week to follow along as I report live for WJTL from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with Compassion International. I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences with you!
Many listeners will remember that I took a trip to Africa on behalf of the station in the fall of 2010. The trip was life changing for me and also for the children and sponsors who were connected as a result of the trip and WJTL’s 26 Hours of Compassion Event we held upon my return. On this trip, we’ll be following up with the Faith Bible International Church Compassion project and also visiting the homes of some of the children being sponsored locally! I’ll also be visiting Senait, the beautiful little girl that I sponsor, and had the privilege of meeting on our last trip. Needless to say, I’m excited to bring some goodies to share with her and the kids at the projects that we visit.
Our team will also visit Ethiopia’s Compassion Office, meet some students in the Leadership Development program, and spend time at several other projects where I’ll get updates on Compasssion’s work there, where the needs are, and find out how WJTL listeners can get involved during our next 26 Hours of Compassion event February 20-21.
Join WJTL January 21 – 25 as I get a second chance at a once in a lifetime experience. I anticipate sharing many stories with you through live reports, blogs, videos and photos and more.