
Daily Challenge-Show Consideration

February 15th, 2021

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Endurance, today’s Daily Challenge motivates us to step toward consideration in the way we treat other people.

First Corinthians 13:5 tells us that love does not dishonor others.

Real love considers how our actions and attitudes may affect someone else. It is not rude.

For example, it would not be considerate to make a lot of noise in our neighborhoods at 2 in the morning when most residents are trying to sleep.

But on the positive side, it would be considerate to shovel snow for a neighbor who has physical challenges.

To be considerate of others is to think about the needs of others and respect their time and space.  Titus 3:2 encourages us to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. Jesus taught us to do to others what we would have them do to us.

Take the daily challenge to walk with consideration in how we treat one another on the journey of faith.

John Shirk


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