
Daily Challenge-Walk with Jesus

June 18th, 2021

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Endurance, today’s Daily Challenge motivates us to keep walking with Jesus.

Faith is a relational journey. Step-by-step we are moving on a pathway toward a specific destiny. If we are walking with Jesus by faith, we are moving in the narrow path of God’s will toward a place called heaven. That is where Jesus is right now. Someday, we will meet Him face-to-face and give an account of our lives to Him.

First John 2:28 instructs us to “continue in Him, so that when He appears, we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.”

When sin entered the human race, Adam and Eve attempted to cover themselves because they felt shame. But in Christ, our shame is removed and is replaced with confidence in His grace to purify us. His righteousness covers us and gives us garments of praise.

Take the daily challenge to walk with Jesus on the journey of faith.

John Shirk


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