
Daren Streblow Winning Wednesday!

June 14th, 2016

Tomorrow is Winning Wednesday (and half way through the month already!)  and we are giving you chances to win tickets to our “Family Comedy Night with Daren Streblow” on Friday, June 24th  at 7:30pm at The Junction Center!  Daren Streblow is a stand-up comedian  and radio show host  known for  his clean  observational humor.  Be sure to listen all day for chances to call in to win!  Please make sure  you are available to come on June 24th!   Phil Smith did a radio interview with Daren on June 1st.  If you missed it, you can listen to it here – https://wjtl.com/listen/wjtl-casts/

The number to call to win 717-392-3690!


Daren Streblow

*Caller must not have won from WJTL in the past 30 days.


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