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Elisha-Moving forward in God’s plan

July 1st, 2010

JOHN SHIRK – In First Kings 19, Elijah was called by God to anoint Elisha as his successor as prophet. He goes to Elisha and finds him plowing with twelve yoke of oxen.

After hearing God’s call to become the next prophet, Elisha took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant.

Elisha made a clear break from his past when he went into training for his next task. There was no turning back. He would not return to his occupation as a farmer. There was nothing wrong with his past occupation. However, God had something different for his future, and because it was God’s will for him to be a prophet, it was Elisha’s commitment to be what God called him to be. This is how we reach our potential in Christ-by answering His call on our lives with an obedient heart.

That’s today’s Mission Statement for representing Jesus in the world today.

John Shirk


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