Five Fun Free Family Things To Do May 13-15, 2016
Five Fun Free Family Things To Do This Weekend – May 13-15, 2017
5 Music for Everyone (MFE) Community Chorus will perform a free concert with the theme “How Can I Keep From Singing” tomorrow (Sat. May 14th) 7pm at Grace Lutheran Church, North Queen Street in Lancaster. The Music for Everyone (MFE) Community Chorus brings together a diverse group of people who love to sing. This non-audition chorus has performed in many venues in the community, including The Ware Center and The Trust Building. More Info: (717) 397-2748
4 Celebration of World Fair Trade Day at Ten Thousand Villages in Ephrata tomorrow (Saturday, May 14) from 10am-5pm. Learn about fair trade, the artisans, the products and the mission. Learn about Humankind Water and take a picture in an authentic Rickshaw. Opportunities to win fair trade gift baskets too. More Info:
3 Redland Valley BIC Church, York Haven 2nd Friday Community Campfires, tonight (Friday, May 13) beginning at 7pm. There will be games, smores and a campfire. More Info:
2 Annual Freedom Fun Fair at Lebanon Valley Bible Church, on Route 322 between Fontana and Campbelltown tomorrow (Saturday, May 14) from 10am until 2pm. Games, Pony Rides, Balloon Animals, Cotton Candy, A Bouncy House, Face Painting, Train Rides, Food, Fun for all ages and More! Rain or Shine. More Info:
1 Friendship Community Fest & Auction tonight 4-9p and tomorrow 7am-2pm (Friday, May 13 and Saturday, May 14) Chicken BBQ, Pancake Breakfast, Auction, Face Painting, Bounce House and One Man Band, Nick DiSanto, in concert. Auction Supports Adults with Developmental Disabilities. More Info:
Hi! I love the “five free things” however I don’t know when the new upcoming weekend events are posted…I always check the first part of the week (I’m a planner) and it always seems to be the events from the previous weekend. I forget to check back the last part of the week and usually by then our weekend plans are generally set. I then check back the beginning of the following week only to see everything i miised the weekend prior! lol…it’s frustrating. You find some really fun activities..just wish that they were posted Monday or Tuesday prior to the weekend that the events are listed for. I don’t know how to send this request or to even ask when is the post day so I can at least know when it is updated…so this is the first place I saw where I can leave this comment. As the official family “planner of fun” I can tell you that I appreciate the time and research every week to come up with these events….thanks!
They are posted every Friday morning.