Focus On God-His Ability To Do What Is Impossible For Us
JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Trust, today’s Focus on God examines His ability to do what is humanly impossible.
Looking at the history of the Bible, we would have to acknowledge that our faith depends on a mighty God who works miracles.
By His command, He was able to create something out of nothing. This was the birth of the world.
God kept His promise to Abraham to provide a son when Sarah was past her childbearing years. This was the birth of the nation of Israel.
The hope of redemption came to the world through a virgin birth. This was the birth of Jesus.
Jesus died on a cross, then rose from the dead three days later. He is uniquely qualified to save us from our sins, restore us to God, and give us eternal life with Him. This is spiritual birth: to accept this gracious gift. Luke 1:37 says, “Nothing is impossible with God.”
God’s ability to do what is humanly impossible is a reason to trust in God for today and forever.
John Shirk