Focus on God’s Goodness-Forgiveness
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Focus on God’s Goodness is found in First John 1:9.
“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
It’s incredible to think about God’s provision of forgiveness for our sins. That is why Jesus went to the cross, to extend mercy and grace to a world that needed a Savior.
Jesus is the only one qualified to save us from our sins, because of what He accomplished at the cross and the empty grave. He invites us into an honest relationship with Him, where we can be open about our sorrows, our struggles, and our sins. He is able to not only forgive us, but also to make our heart clean again, so that we are considered pure in God’s sight.
Forgiveness for the contrite heart reveals the goodness of God and is a reason to give thanks in the Year of Gratitude.
John Shirk