
Focus on God’s Goodness-Provision of Food

April 2nd, 2024

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Focus on God’s Goodness is found in John 6:11.

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.

Jesus demonstrated that He can do a lot with the little that we offer him. A boy offered 5 loaves and 2 fish, and it was multiplied into a feast for thousands of people.

Jesus started this miracle by thanking His Heavenly Father for the food that was offered to Him. Food is a precious source of nourishment for our bodies. Where God provides for our physical needs, that is a reason to offer Him thanks. Where we see the need around us, that is a reason to be generous with others.

The provision of food reveals the goodness of God and is a reason to give thanks in the Year of Gratitude.

John Shirk


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