Freedom Phrase-Green Pastures and Quiet Waters
JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Redemption, today’s Freedom Phrase is based on Psalm 23:2.
With the LORD as my shepherd, “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters.”
In a relationship with God, we can rest in His grace. His love will be our source of peace and confidence. In a works-oriented religion, a person tries to earn the favor of God with good deeds, but with that mindset, there is never any true security that we have done enough to please our Maker. When we see God’s love through the cross, we see His grace as a gift to be received by faith, not a paycheck to earn by our good deeds.
Our yearning for peace with God is satisfied in Christ, and our thirst for righteousness is satisfied by the gentle flow of His grace.
Through Jesus, we are set free to enjoy God’s rest and refreshment.
John Shirk