
HinkleFEST & Auction October 12 & 13

October 11th, 2018

Hinkletown Mennonite School
The HinkleFEST & Auction at Hinkletown Mennonite School this Friday and Saturday, October 12th & 13th. This FREE event includes activities for your whole family!

Come Friday for the Chicken Chase Family Fun Run at 4 o’clock and stay for Pork BarBQ dinner and the evening auction of local meat and farm products. Saturday includes kids’ games and rides, food and live auction beginning at 9 am, and the chance to purchase your next Family Adventure like rappelling, zip-lining, or family vacation packages to Myrtle Beach or Orlando, Pittsburgh, or a beach house for your whole gang.

WJTL will be live on location on Friday from 4pm-6pm with giveaways, contests, and prizes.

For more information on HinkleFEST, visit HinkletownSchool.org.

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