
Key Element for Thriving Relationships-Freedom

September 2nd, 2022

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Key Element for Thriving Relationships is freedom.

Second Corinthians 3:17 says “Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”

The Spirit of God is about life and freedom. Where there are elements of coercion, intimidation, or manipulation in relationships, the Spirit of the Lord is not the influence behind them.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are free to express their love for God with the personalities that God has given them.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are free to worship God openly, using a variety of songs that glorify His holy name.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are free to share with each other what they are learning and how God is moving in their lives.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, people are free to serve others with their God-given abilities.

Freedom is a key element for thriving relationships that honor God.

John Shirk


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