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Key Element for Thriving Relationships-Serving Together

September 23rd, 2022

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Key Element for Thriving Relationships is Serving the Lord side by side.

A deeper connection with other people sometimes happens when we work together. A youth group may draw closer together after serving together on a mission trip. Or a family might grow closer by volunteering together at a homeless shelter or nursing home. These kinds of services train us to look beyond ourselves to the needs of others. We can see God working through our acts of service and share the joy with those who serve with us.

There is a prophecy in Zephaniah 3:9, revealing that the LORD will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the LORD and serve him shoulder to shoulder.

And Ephesians 4:16 talks about the body of Christ growing and building itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Serving the Lord side by side is a key element for thriving relationships that honor God.

John Shirk


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