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Light Reflection-Luke 15:20 Brilliance of God’s Compassion

August 4th, 2023

JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Luke 15:20.

This is one of the highlights in the Parable of the Lost Son taught by Jesus.

A father had two sons. The younger one took his share of the estate and squandered his wealth on wild living. But after he spent everything and was in need, he came to his senses and decided to return to his father.

“So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son and threw his arms around him and kissed him.”

This is a vivid picture of God’s compassion for the person who recognizes their need for forgiveness. Compassion sees the needs of another person and is moved to relieve their distress. Compassion moved the father to embrace his son who had returned home to Him.

The Father’s arms are open wide to receive returning Prodigals today.

This Light Reflection inspires us to marvel at the brilliance of God’s compassion in the Year to Shine.

John Shirk


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