Light Reflection-Philippians 1:21 Purpose and Hope
May 25th, 2023
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Philippians 1:21.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Life on this earth is temporary. Our bodies are not made to last, but while we live in them, we can live for a purpose that leaves a legacy of faith.
The Apostle Paul loved Jesus and lived for the glory of His name. As a result, Paul lived with purpose and hope.
There is much fulfillment when we live according to God’s design for our lives. If we live, that means fruitful labor for us. If we die, that means that we are in the comfort of God’s presence forever. To live is Christ and to die is gain.
This Light Reflection inspires us to find our purpose and hope in Christ in the Year to Shine.
John Shirk
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