Light Reflection-Psalm 66:16-17 Testimony
JOHN SHIRK – Today’s Light Reflection is from Psalm 66, verses 16 and 17.
Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue.
A testimony of faith is a light that shows others how God can change a heart. Our spiritual breakthrough moments can be used of God to stir others to praise God with a fully devoted faith.
This was the case with the Apostle Paul, who persecuted Christians before coming to faith. He said in Galatians 1:22, “I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. They only heard the report: ‘The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.’ And they praised God because of me.”
That’s how God can use a testimony to move people deeply.
This Light Reflection inspires us to share our testimony of faith with others who are willing to hear in the Year to Shine.
John Shirk