
Love My Mom Giveaway 2018

May 4th, 2018

Love My MomIn honor of Mother’s Day, WJTL is teaming up with Ken’s Gardens for our Love My Mom Flowering Hanging Basket Giveaway.

To enter the Love My Mom Giveaway simply email LoveMyMom@wjtl.com with your name, address, phone number and finish the sentence “I love my mom because…”

Our winners will receive a colorful flowering hanging basket of choice up to $25.99 in value! 12 entries will be chosen at random the week leading up to Mother’s Day.

Ken’s Gardens is a family-owned Lancaster County destination for nearly 40 years with locations in Smoketown and Intercourse. Ken’s has everything your Mom needs for a beautiful garden! She will find a wonderful selection of perennials, annuals, herbs, roses, shrubs and vegetables. Plus, an exclusive collection of heirloom plants.

*You must not have won from WJTL in the past 30 days in order to be eligible.
*Winners must live in the United States
*Check out WJTL’s General Contest Rules here.

  1. Tina Marlene Gerhart
    May 4th, 2018 at 20:19 | #1

    Love my mom because she is also my best friend. Greatest grandma(my brother’s little baby girl. ) could have.

  2. Gina Plain
    May 5th, 2018 at 12:12 | #2

    ……for all of my 58 plus years, she has faithfully pointed me to Jesus and His saving and changing grace. She’s nearing 90, and is too tired and weak to do much, but she still shines her light and cares deeply and prays for others to know Him too!

  3. Katrina Boyland
    May 6th, 2018 at 18:53 | #3

    I love my Mom because she loved me so much! She taught me how to be a Mom! She was my best friend! I miss her so very much the last 6 1/2 years!

  4. Felicia Collins cintron
    May 7th, 2018 at 00:58 | #4

    Thank you for the opportunity

  5. Beth Clymer
    May 7th, 2018 at 15:43 | #5

    I love my mom because she is always there for me as a prayer warrior. She will answer her phone day or night and be praying. She has taught me to never give up even when thing seem hopeless.

  6. Dillon Oxenreider
    May 7th, 2018 at 15:53 | #6

    I love my mom because she is the strongest person that I know . No matter what hard things she goes through I never see her give up. She challenges me daily to be a better person. Love you Mom.

  7. Madeline Butler
    May 8th, 2018 at 08:27 | #7

    I love my mom, Sharron, because she was in a “crisis pregnancy,” in 1965. She was unmarried and pregnant with twin girls. She moved from South Dakota, to Denver, CO to live in a home for unwed mother’s. She gave birth to us and we were adopted by a doctor and a nurse. We met our mother and our grandmother, aunts, half-brothers and half-sister. Eventually we met our biological father and his family. We could have so easily been aborted, or grown up in poverty, but instead, she selflessly gave us LIFE!

  8. Joy Lapp
    May 8th, 2018 at 12:31 | #8

    I thank God for my Mom! She raised 8 children and continues to help with her grandchildren and great grandchildren. My Mom prays for us every day while walking her 2 miles. She volunteers 2 days a week at the Mennonite Gift & Thrift store and often drives widows to doctor appointments. My Mom is so selfless, she is happiest when she is cooking or baking for others. My Mom is 85 years old but she continues to be active in her church choir and Sunday School class. My prayer is that all of the women in my family can learn from the excellent example that we have had all of these years!! Thank you Mom, I love you so much!!

  9. terrie van zandt
    May 8th, 2018 at 14:20 | #9

    I love my mom because: she was always there for me and my brothers growing up and now that she’s 80 she is still there for all of us and our families. Always Giving, Loving and Encouraging. Whenever we are with our mom we just always know how much She Loves us!

  10. Lisa Keyton
    May 8th, 2018 at 15:44 | #10

    I love my mom because she demonstrated such faith and strength to me, even with all the challenges with her health. She encouraged me during a dark time in my life when I felt no hope. Even with the disadvantages of her health, she’s always looking to encourage someone, even if it is to just send a note in the mail. Happy mother’s day mom! You are loved!!

  11. Lisa Keyton
    May 8th, 2018 at 15:53 | #11

    I love my mom because she has shown such faith and strength to me, even with the challenges of her health over the years. She had encouraged me during a dark time in my life when I felt no hope. Even with the disadvantages of her health, she is always looking for ways to encourage someone, even if it is just to send a note in the mail. Happy mother’s day! You are loved by your family!! Lisa Keyton

  12. Robin Byers
    May 8th, 2018 at 19:19 | #12

    I love my Mom because she is my first and forever best friend. She has always been there for me no matter what

  13. Jim Shuman
    May 9th, 2018 at 11:31 | #13

    My mother was there for my sister and I when we came home from school to ask us how our day went and almost always had a snack for us. We actually went outside to play with friends until supper. I do not think that we ever asked her how her day went.
    You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. Winston Churchill

  14. Calina Acosta
    May 9th, 2018 at 13:47 | #14

    I love my mom for being my mother. For rasing me and teaching me and for all her love and sacrifices . for the strenth in being my mom,pastor , of divine healing church of God, as well Director of latino ministries. Most importantly i love her because she taight about God and showed me how to truly follow God .

  15. Lynette fasnacht
    May 9th, 2018 at 14:06 | #15

    She has loved and cared for me very sacrificially. she’s always been a loving Christian womom and I strive to be like her!

  16. May 9th, 2018 at 17:07 | #16

    She’s my rockstar, role model, and life teacher! Couldn’t be a better mom then her!! Love ya mom!!

  17. Sarah Ortiz
    May 10th, 2018 at 07:13 | #17

    My mother, … at 17, my father left; we lost the house.6 kids and grandchildren had to part ways and go off to live with Family friends. Very shorty after; a break up with my daughters dad, I called my mother but there was no room for me or my daughter. I landed in a shelter in New York in Manhattan. I remember the pain in my mom’s eyes of hopelessness she felt as a mom and a grandmother. But even homeless at the time with my newborn it was my mom at my corner. She prayed and pushed and prayed some more. I remember the surreal moment I felt when we all wanted to see each other, But we had nowhere to go so we met at a McDonald’s right around the corner of the shelter. We took a picture that day and that is when I fell this family is unbreakable. We met there it was more of a goodbye meeting, because I was leaving for Pennsylvania to make it out here. My mother held my small baby at the time and cried and said that she’ll see us soon. My sweet mom.. I promised myself I was going to get my family right again.
    I met an aunt of the family right here in Elizabethtown pennsylvania. Every day I went out looking for a job and I found a job in a pita pit about three weeks after moving to Etown. Every day I prayed and sane and promised my daughter a home before her first birthday. With my mom being my support my balance and my God-given Angel, at 11 months old, I kept my promise and gave my daughter a home. I got my mom over here and my sisters. A year later I got my GED. Another year later I began my nursing degree. My mom and family pushed and prayed and pushed me harder stay focus and turning this around. But it was my mom, who was the blessing for all of her children and grandchildren. She was the glue and the rock . Aside from all of her pain being left after a 25 year marriage, she would muster every ounce of her strength and through all her pain she put it aside and became the beam of light for her children who needed her. Only God knows how much my mom means to me and how grateful life had it that I was created in her whom. I would have it no other way. If I can give my mom the world in a box I do it before I give it to myself. I love my mother with all of my heart.

  18. Rachel Wagner
    May 10th, 2018 at 08:21 | #18

    My mom is amazing, resilient, beautiful, fun and full of the love of Christ. There is no better person than her, I hope to be that kind of mom to my daughter.

  19. Lisa Nein
    May 10th, 2018 at 08:42 | #19

    I love my Mom because she is the strongest person I know. She has the deepest faith I have ever seen anyone have. She has Stage 5 Kidney Disease and has Faith that the Lord will see her through.She raised 5 children on her own and never once complained. She has taught me how to trust in my Heavenly Father.
    Happy Mother’s Day to all!!!

  20. Abby Spangler
    May 10th, 2018 at 13:17 | #20


    My mom is the hardest working mom I know. She makes sure that I have everything I need and want. She goes out of her way to do things for me and with me. She is a single mom, but only until August when she will marry my daddy Dustin (he will be my step dad). He does things with me also. I love my mom soooo much. She’s the best mom I could every ask for.
    Thank you

  21. Jami Benson
    May 11th, 2018 at 11:13 | #21

    she is the glue that holds our family together. She puts God’s love into action. When you look at her, you see Jesus.

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