
Manheim Drive-thru Parade, October 7th

October 1st, 2020
Drive Thru Parade

Manheim BIC Church is hosting a drive-thru parade on Wednesday, October 7th (rain date October 8th) from 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm.

This reverse parade will start off Stiegel Valley Road and weave its way through the parking lot of the church. It will include many sights and sounds of the traditional Manheim parade like rescue vehicles, farm equipment, animals, sponsor stands and giveaways. Be sure to wave as you pass by WJTL! The final point in the parade will be Manheim BIC’s FREE famous milkshakes! (while supplies last)

You can win PRIZES!
Enter to win several awesome prizes provided by local Manheim businesses:

  • BEST decorated car!
  • Submit a photo of your special creation, animal, or whatever you would have entered or exhibited for competition to be displayed on a 21′ LED screen at the event.
  • Respond you’re “going” and follow along on Manheim BIC’s Facebook Event Page LIVEstream for other chances to win!

DONATIONS will be collected for:

  • Mt. Hope Retirement Community
  • Local FFA
  • Local 4H 

Learn more about the parade here.

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