
Moment Of Celebration-Stars in God’s Creation

July 14th, 2014

JOHN SHIRK  – Today’s Moment Of Celebration reflects on the signs of God’s creation.

Psalm 19:1 says that the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.

The stars in the universe are visible to us on a clear night. Isaiah 40:26 tells us that He not only created all these, but He also calls them each by name. Just as there are many stars in the universe, there are many people on this planet. God is big enough to keep order in the universe, while at the same time, remaining personal to know us by name. Just as the heavens declare the glory of God, so we also are called to reflect His glory.

When our faith is expressed in love and with gratitude, our witness for Jesus is compared to the stars of the universe, which reflect the glory of God.

The signs of God’s creation are reasons to be glad in the Year of Celebration.

John Shirk


  1. Ben Krothe
    July 15th, 2014 at 11:59 | #1

    Amen Brother! Hey just wanted to let you know you’re coming in loud and clear here at Granites Lake in Munsonville NH on the WJTL App.! Be blessed!

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