
Monday in Managua, Nicaragua with FIA

March 22nd, 2011

Buenas Tardes from Managua, Nicaragua!

I arrived in country around 12 noon (2pm Eastern time) today (Monday, March 21).  I had a smooth, uneventful flight (just a bit of turbulence leaving Harrisburg) with Friends in Action Intl. Executive Director Tim Johnston and his wife Jan.  Wow, am I loving this tropical climate!  Not too hot here yet.  We were in the mid to upper 80’s today, but the severe high temps and high humidity haven’t yet hit.  Nicaragua is entering the dry season after an extra wet rainy season.

This week we are getting a closer look (& listen) at Friends In Action Intl. and the amazing work they are doing to bring the Gospel to people groups around the world that have not had the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ.

We are staying the night at The Best Western in Managua, conveniently located across from the airport.  This is where FIA brings work teams before flying out to “the field”-in this case the village of Boom Sirpi, which is located approximately 12 miles outside of Puerto Cabezas (which is where we will be flying tomorrow) and an island called Rama Cay-a half-hour boat ride from Bluefields, on the Caribbean coastline, where FIA is helping the Rama people build a village among other projects. (I will visit there later this week).

Had a wonderful time today strolling through the Managua open air market stocked with artisan crafts like hammocks, chairs, leather goods, clothing, toys, and my favorite-PINATAS!  Pictures coming soon!

On a personal note, it was 12 years ago this month that my husband and I spent 3 1/2 half weeks in Guatemala finalizing the adoption of our son Alex.  Now my son is several weeks away from turning 13 years old!  Everywhere we went today I was reminded of that sweet time in Central American with my husband and me trying (as new parents) to figure out what to do with this new little baby Alex and to get him to settle down and go to sleep :0)

Speaking of sleep, it’s off to bed for me.  I’m going on 21 hours in my day so it’s time to sign off.

Buenas Noches

Learn more about how FIA is at work in the world at FIAintl.org.

  1. Jill
    March 22nd, 2011 at 18:24 | #1

    thanks for sharing your trip with us! I look forward to reading more.

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