Reason To Believe-Providence Of God
JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Exploration, today’s Reason to Believe is the providence of God.
Providence refers to the guiding hand of God moving in the events of our lives with His wisdom and love.
An example of God’s providence in the Bible was the encounter of Cornelius and Peter for a redemptive purpose. Both Cornelius and Peter were experiencing a vision from God close together for the purpose of bringing them together. Each person had something to learn from the other.
From Peter, Cornelius and his relatives heard the good news of Jesus and received the Holy Spirit.
From Cornelius, Peter learned that God’s grace was available not just for the Jews, but also the Gentiles. He said in Acts 10:34, “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.”
The Providence of God orchestrates the circumstances of our lives with Divine appointments, and is a reason to believe in God’s good news.
John Shirk