
Reason To Believe-Purpose

February 29th, 2016

JOHN SHIRK – In the Year of Exploration, today’s Reason To Believe is the purpose we have in God’s plan.

Psalm 138:8 says that “the LORD will fulfill his purpose for me.”

Not everyone who loves God may have the exact same mission field or the same ministry in the local church, but we do have the same purpose. That purpose is to know God and to glorify God, so that the name of Jesus will be famous throughout the earth.

Colossians 1:16 says that we were “made by Him and for Him.” Since God has given us breath, He has a plan for our lives. Therefore, we have meaningful purpose.

What He begins in us, He is able to complete. We are motivated by the love of God to wake up each new day and commit our lives to His plan. A good prayer to say to God each morning is “Lord, have your way in me today. Guide me in Your footsteps. Give me a willing heart to follow Your clear directive, and give me a discerning heart when I am not sure about where you are directing me. Amen.”

Our purpose in Christ is a reason to believe in God’s Good News.

John Shirk


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