
Seeking Your Favorite Five Song List

January 22nd, 2014

JOHN SHIRK – During Wednesday’s Lunch Break, I am making available a window of time to air your favorite 5 Christian songs. From 12 to 12:30, I will pick out a Listener’s List of Five Favorites and play them back to back. To submit your entry, list your favorite 5 Christian songs and email them to shirkatwork@wjtl.com.

Include your name, address, song title, and artist. If there is a short, meaningful story as to why a particular song is meaningful to you, feel free to share it. I look forward to hearing from you.

John Shirk


  1. Pamela Musser
    January 23rd, 2014 at 11:04 | #1

    Hi John-at work at Love INC. If you don’t know about us, perhaps, you could bring out coordinator, Linda Hess, or our Director, Kim Wittel on the air to tell the surrounding area about our free services, all done in Christian love.

    This is Pam Musser (Daryl’s wife, when he claims me – ha) from Crossroads. We met officially at the newcomers luncheon on Sunday at your table. You and your family are great.

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