
Toby Mac Prize Packs Up For Grabs ALL WEEK LONG!

November 6th, 2010

Toby Mac’s “Moving Pictures” DVD releases Tuesday, November 9th!  We’re celebrating the release with a week of Toby Mac Prize Pack giveaways!  Listen Monday – Friday (November 8th – 12th) for giveaways on-air.  The prize packs include a Toby Mac “Tonight” CD, a Toby Mac T-shirt and your very own copy of Toby’s new DVD “Moving Pictures!”  This new DVD includes all of Toby’s music videos, along with live performances with the diverse city band!  Listen to win from EMI and WJTL!

  1. Jane Bellmyer
    November 6th, 2010 at 08:15 | #1

    Oh MAN….Toby has a book and a DVD and I am adding to my Christmas list! Wooo whoo! Thanks WJTL for all you do for my walk with Christ. I have seen Toby in concert twice and he is awesome. I took a friend to see him in March who had never been to a Christian concert before and was new to Christian radio. When she moved to Louisiana it was my goal to find her a station down there, while reminding her when she got homesick she could listen to WJTL online…which she does a lot.

  2. Daniel
    November 8th, 2010 at 12:32 | #2

    Wow this looks totally Awesome! I’m a biiiiiiiiig Toby fan, and was so excited to see he was coming out with a dvd

  3. Londa
    November 9th, 2010 at 05:47 | #3

    I love Toby Mac!!! I am glad he came out a DVD. Kristi, you are doing
    a great job on the air. Everywhere I go, you WJTL is the #1 radio station
    I listen to at work, in my car and at home. Everyone on WJTL is going a
    GREAT job. God Loves you, what you are all doing on WJTL. Keep it up
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Chandler
    November 10th, 2010 at 15:44 | #4

    I love TobyMac!!!!!!! I am saving up money to buy his new CD,which might be next week.
    And i just wanted to say thanks for playing all the songs you guys play.Alot of them really help
    me feel better on a bad day!

  5. Jamie Rohrer
    November 11th, 2010 at 10:15 | #5

    tobymac is the best I can’t wait to get this DVD

  6. Karen
    November 11th, 2010 at 11:51 | #6

    I love his music and I love his heart for God! He’s great. Go Toby!

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