Today’s Opportunity To Grow Toward Christ-Care
JOHN SHIRK – To have a caring heart is to attach importance to someone. Care for others spurs us to action, where we offer time and attention to someone who needs a helping hand.
One example of this kind of outreach is foster care, where a child is placed in the care of a family until a more permanent arrangement is made for the child.
Another kind of care is pastoral care, compared to a shepherd tending the flock. Peter was instructed by the Lord Jesus, “Take care of my sheep.” Church leaders and pastors can have a huge impact in helping God’s people by caring for their needs.
One of the reasons that we can be confident to cast all our anxiety on God is because He cares for us. When other people sense that we truly care about them with the compassion of Jesus, their hearts are sometimes ready to respond to this extraordinary love. When it comes to being a witness for Jesus, people won’t generally care how much we know until they know how much we care.
Care is a character quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.
John Shirk