Today’s Opportunity to Grow Toward Christ-Goodness
JOHN SHIRK – Goodness is defined by moral excellence or virtue. Goodness is listed in the Bible as one of the ingredients of the fruit of the Spirit. Goodness is one indication that we are walking with God. Our lives reflect good deeds, spread good news, and bear good fruit.
There is sometimes a misunderstanding of the role of goodness in the Christian life. Being a good person is not our passport to heaven. A sobering view of the human race is found in Romans 3:12, which says, “There is no one who does good, not even one.” If our salvation is measured on performance, we fall short. Thankfully, God provided a way for us to be saved through Jesus Christ. He was the Only One who truly measured up to moral excellence and virtue in every way.
Reliance on Christ alone is the key to salvation. He is the source of all that is good. At Creation, God saw all that He made and, it was very good. Even though our heart has been corrupted by sin, the message of the cross reminds us that our hearts can be made good if we are touched by the grace of the Lord Jesus. When He becomes our Savior and Lord, He becomes our source of goodness.
Goodness is a character quality that enables us to represent Jesus in the world today.
John Shirk
I’ve listened to WJTL for MANY years now, but I hadn’t really checked out the web-site. What a blessing this ministry is, and I can only imagine how many lives have been changed through your work. Keep up the awesome job!